You know that touch that different cooks have. They just seem to be able to bring wonderful flavour and texture to foods. Even when they use the same recipe as other cooks, theirs just seems better. Well, in Peruvian Spanish there is a common word for that.
They call it sazón. They add more flavour to food which are not inherent in the flavour itself.
Sazón suggests something prior, something more inherent in the food as cooked. It is not about add-ons, but about the magic or the technique that a cook has to take raw ingredients and turn them into food.
The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says that sazón is “the point or maturity of things, the state of perfection in its line.” In other words the word suggests the ability of a cook to approximate the ideal, the moment of perfection.
So the name Sazón is our beef jerky that we know is perfection with a fine blend of sweet paprika, curry powder, rice, salt and crushed chilli. There is a touch of chilli, only to give you a hint of a kick but not too
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